
Vendor Questions About RFP FIN-01312025 February 20, 2025

  1. When will we be notified if we are selected for the demo portion of the process? All vendors are going to present their demos. We will send an email to notify the dates to reserve the space.
  2. Is there an option for this 90-minute demo to be done remotely? Yes, the Demonstration could be presented remotely by Zoom or Teams Meeting.
  3. Our standard demo for our finance solution is 4 hours, so is this demo simply to be a preview of the solution? And then a full demo is to be provided at a later time if we progress in the selection process?  The 90-minute demo is for a preview of the solution but needs to be aligned with the guidelines on page 13 of the RFP.  A full demo presentation will be required once upon the selection of the vendor. All vendors have the same time to present the demo during the period selected.
  4. We have more flexibility the week of April 7 if the window of dates for the demo were to be slightly extended. – Presentations for the Software Demonstrations are from March 17 to April 4th. Please refer to page 17 of the RFP to see the Schedule.