  • Propuestas De Servicios

    Notificaciones Publicas para solicitud de Propuestas de la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón

    Request For Proposals (RFP) For Wi-Fi 6 Infrastructure (Closed)

    Notice - 9-11-23 
    Pre-Proposal Meeting and Walkdown - 09-18-23  
    Proposals Due Date - On or before 10-16-23 

    Contractor Services RFP - WiFi 6 Infrastructure 9.11.2023.pdf

    Request For Proposals (RFP) For Consolidation IDFs & Switches (Closed)

    Notice - 10-02-23
    Pre-Proposal Meetings and Walkdown - 10-03-23 - 10-10-23
    Proposals Due Date - On or before 11-06-23

    Contractor Services RFP - Consolidation IDFs & Switches Rev.9.29.2023.pdf

    Request for Proposal for Enterprise Resource Planning Software

    Contractor Services RFP –Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 

    Number: RFP-FIN013125

    Notice – 01-31-25

    Acceptance- 02-07-25
    Pre-Proposal Meeting - 02-24-25

    Demonstration of Software: 03-17-25 to 04-04-25
    Proposals Due Date - On or before 04-15-2025

    Request for Information:

    RFP-FIN-013125 ERP Sagrado.pdf

    Contractor Services RFP - Managed Service Provider ITI (Closed)

    Notice - 01-22-24
    Pre-Proposal Meeting - 02-02-24
    Proposals Due Date - On or before 02-29-24

    Contractor Services RFP - Managed Service Provider ITI.docx.pdf
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.